Tummy Tuck Pre/Postcare
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
Before your surgery
- If you smoke, it is extremely important that you STOP smoking before surgery. You must discontinue smoking for at least 6 weeks before and after surgery. This is critical as the effects of nicotine can greatly compromise the healing process.
- Your packet contains a “Medications to Avoid List”, a suggested vitamin list to help with bruising and swelling, as well as your prescriptions for after surgery. Please fill the prescriptions before surgery.
- Shower with an antibacterial soap the night before surgery.
- Arrange to have a responsible adult to transport you to and from the surgery center and stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery.
- You will be asked to purchase two types of garments to wear after surgery, a binder initially and then high waisted Spanx once your drains have been removed.
- Arrange to have loose fitting clothes which do not bind at the waist for your recovery period
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the evening before the surgery
The Day of Surgery
- Do not take any medications other than heart or blood pressure medication. Take with a sip of water.
- Wear loose fitting comfortable clothing. Please bring a bathing suit bottom or pair of underwear so the doctor can mark you below the suit line. Do not wear any jewelry.
- Be prepared to give the Center the name of the person who is driving you home, as well as a number where you can be reached after surgery.
After your Surgery
- Take prescribed medications as directed.
- While resting stay on your back with your head and knees elevated so that there is no tension on the suture line. When you walk, bend forward slightly at the waistline.
- Do not wear any clothing with a tight waistband
- Because of swelling, your regular clothing will be tight for a period of time.
- You may remove all gauze dressings from the abdomen the day after surgery. You will have a drain on each side of the abdomen. Empty drains at least twice daily, keeping a log of how much drainage has collected in each drain. Drains will be removed when there is less than 30cc of drainage per drain of 24 hour period.
- You may shower after dressings are removed, the day after surgery.
- You will return to the office 5-7 days after surgery to have the sutures removed from the umbilicus (belly button). All other sutures are resorbable.
- If you have a pain pump, you will be given instructions on how and when to remove it.
- No heavy lifting, sports, or strenuous activity until cleared by your doctor.
- In order to avoid sever post-op complications you must ambulate at least 19015 minutes every 2 hours while awake.
- If an area of your abdomen suddenly begins to increase in size or becomes increasingly painful, please call our office immediately.
General Considerations
- Please remember that the process of healing does take time. A portion of the swelling will go down within 6 weeks, but noticeable changes will continue to take place for up to a year.
- It is normal for the skin of the abdomen to feel tight and numb for a period of time after surgery. As the small nerve endings return to their normal feelings, you may experience temporary episodes of discomfort or “shooting” sensations. These feelings are normal and may come and go for several weeks, months, or possibly longer.
- Your doctor will instruct you when to begin scar care treatment.