Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation or breast enlargement is a way of achieving a more proportionate figure. Many of Dr. DeChiara’s patients say that before breast augmentation their clothes did not [...]
Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) It has been said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, they convey one’s deepest feelings and emotions. However, the eyes are often one of [...]
Liposuction Liposuction, also known as Liposculpture (Lipoplasty) is a procedure designed to remove localized deposits of fat and create an improved body contour and shape. Liposuction patients often have fat [...]
Facial Rejuvenation – Non-Surgical Procedures
Facial Rejuvenation & Non-surgical Alternatives What You Need to Know About Facial Rejuvenation Signs of aging may be more visible on the face than any other area of the body. [...]
Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) Rhinoplasty is the oldest procedure in facial plastic surgery, and one of the most popular. The result can be subtle or dramatic depending on the patient’s desired [...]
Vaginal Labiaplasty
Vaginal Labiaplasty Labiaplasty (labia reduction & beautification is becoming more popular as social acceptance of this cosmetic and reconstructive procedure continues toward mainstream. Labia surgery, which usually involves labia reduction [...]
Eyelid Plasty FAQ
Eyelid Plasty FAQ Eyelid Plasty Before your surgery If you smoke, discontinue or lessen at least 2 weeks before and after surgery.. Refer to enclosed list of medications [...]
Breast Reduction Mammoplasty FAQ
Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Before your surgery If you smoke it is extremely important that you STOP smoking before surgery. You must discontinue smoking for at least 6 weeks before and [...]
Wart Treatment FAQ
Recommended Pre & Post Care for Wart Treatments Before Your Treatment Area should be clean After Your Treatment Warts usually develop a black or crusty appearance 24-48 hours after treatment [...]
Vascular Treatment FAQ
Recommended Pre & Post Care for Vascular Treatments Before Your Treatment Do not wear makeup on the day of treatment No sun-tanning or self-tanners 4 weeks prior to treatment Includes [...]
TruSculpt Treatment FAQ
Recommended Pre & Post Care for truSculpt Treatments Before Your Treatment Excess hair may need to be shaved Notify our office of any changes to your health history or medications [...]